Reach Out and Touch Someone's Heart


Reach out & touch someone! 

If you sense someone else is in need, take time for them. 


If you find your emotions have been triggered by a person or experience, go within and give your Inner self your time & attention.


 Our Heart chakras, located in the middle of our chests, are governed by the principle. 

“Love yourself & Love others.” 


  • Loving yourself is good self-care, which includes accepting ALL your physical, emotional, and spiritual self. 
  • Loving self is to lovingly hold your Inner child during times of distress. 
  • Loving yourself is to find compassion and forgiveness for those that judge you, look down at you, and send hate. 
  • Loving self means not to give so much to others that you have nothing for yourself.
  •  Loving self means to “let go” of hard emotions and hard experiences.
  • Loving others is to give them your attention and time when needed. 
  • Loving others is treating them in loving, patient, and forgiving way. 

When we can follow this principle in life, we have hearts full of Love. 


I know while giving myself A Reiki session, I often experience “love” in my heart chakra.


 The Heart chakra is blocked by holding on to grief. Love yourself and love others fully.


 By Cynthia Bergsbaken/ Reiki in the Prairie LLC, 4/9/2020 (As seen on Instagram).


Disclaimer by Reiki in the Prairie LLC and Cynthia Bergsbaken copyright 2015

I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor.  These articles I have written, are from reading and experiencing them.  Many of these articles are my own experiences with my own inventions to heal as well.

If you have a medical condition-physically/mentally/emotionally, please see a qualified medical doctor.  Do not substitute my articles for proper medical care.  You are too important to the world.

I have used all procedures I have written about and have found them to be helpful as tools to help myself become a better person.   I am sharing them with you because used as a tool, they are helpful in Shadow working on ourselves.  (Shadow working is healing our inner shadows that are unconscious or subconscious.  Inner shadows are our belief systems, our thoughts, our behaviors, our life experiences.)

I created this blog for my Reiki clients originally.  Combining these tools with Reiki creates a happy, healthy person.  These tools, when used alone are also beneficial!


***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

April 11, 2020

Plagiarism is a crime.  Share only by URL without changing the content!  Thank you.

#reikiintheprairiellc #reikilongdistancesessions #love #loveyourself #loveothers #heartchakra #reachoutandtouchsomeone


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