Why Reiki?



A Reiki practitioner believes in keeping our energy freely flowing.  

The body is made up with many Chakras, but only seven major ones are shown here.

Chakras are in the Etheric body- our energy body. The Etheric body is part of our Subtle anatomy.  The Etheric body is in our Electromagnetic field or also called our Aura. 


Chakras are energy centers that resemble spinning wheels. The chakras are associated with a spectrum of colors.

 People read energy through these Chakras. (Emotions, other's emotions, what is near us, and thoughts.)

People take in all types of energy including emotional energy from others.  We understand our world around us by taking in the energy of objects, animals, insects, people, etc.

Chakras take in Prana or Life Force energy from the atmosphere.  The chakras will also take in the channeled Life Force energy provided by the Reiki practitioner.  The energy is brought in through the Chakras and is distributed through energy channels called Nadis.  The Nadis take energy and sends it to the nervous system, endocrine glands, and the circulatory system.

 It is believed by Reiki practitioners, Reflexology, and Acupuncture practitioners, if energy flow in the Etheric body is blocked in anyway, we create disease in our Physical bodies.

We create blockages by our own thoughts.  Let me say that again.  WE create blockages in our energy system by OUR OWN THOUGHTS.

 The reason for a Reiki practitioner is to break apart blocked energy in a person before disease sets in to maintain health or after they start to show disease symptoms, which would health achieve health again.  

When a Reiki practitioner senses or feels a blockage or areas that feel like too little of energy or an accumulation of energy, they will channel the Life Force energy to break apart the blockage.  

Thus, a person's health is supported.

Each Chakra center is associated with our physical body organs that are located by that specific chakra.

So, for example, if a person comes in with chest ailment, the Reiki practitioner may look (energetically) at the chest area, looking for blockages.  

Sometimes, the Reiki practitioner will just provide you with the Reiki energy throughout your body, thus the blockage may break apart.

It all depends on the practitioner.

It is my opinion that all people would benefit from having a Reiki session at least once a month.

I say this not because I'm a Reiki practitioner, but because I know it works.  

The side effects of receiving Reiki sessions are that we become more relaxed, and we are helped in seeing our Inner hurts.

Reiki sessions will break apart blockages.  What are these blockages???  The blockages are your own negative emotions that you use against yourself, day in and day out.  Ouch!

So, I believe until a person is completely "awakeā€, completely aware, and completely healed (inner selves) we all could use some Reiki energy to make sure we are not accumulating negative energy in us.

In-between our Reiki sessions, we maybe can help ourselves by following what each chakra's Universal law is.

Easy version:  Go to https://youtu.be/StrbppmsZJw

Listen to this small part from Avatar, the Last Airbender.  This is a childrenā€™s show, but this part was based on truths for the show.

Try to follow these simple Universal laws and you may find your life changing in a good way.

Remember, Reiki sessions are here to help us move forward.  To release energy blocks that we were not aware we created in the first place.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC says, "We all need a bit of help at times."  

We all were born with different physical bodies, different lives, and different circumstances.  But that will not stop us from taking our health into our own hands.  I feel it's best to be "preventative". 

 But if we find ourselves with health issues, try receiving a Reiki session even if you're using it to support your other medical programs.  

Receiving Reiki sessions can be used as a preventative-maintaining good health, to help you relieve what is going on, or it can be used to support your ongoing medical program.

By Cynthia Bergsbaken, Reiki in the Prairie LLC

March 3, 2021


  • Ā·       The Chakra Handbook by Shalila Sharamon & Bodo J. Baginski
  • Ā·       The Reflexology Manual by Pauline Wills
  • Ā·       Avatar; The Last Airbender childrenā€™s show.  Authors:  Co-created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko
  • Ā·       Reiki classwork

*If you're interested in receiving a Reiki session, please go to    https://www.reikiintheprairiellc.com/p/policy-statement.html


Disclaimer by Reiki in the Prairie LLC and Cynthia Bergsbaken copyright 2015

I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor.  These articles I have written, are from reading and experiencing them.  Many of these articles are my own experiences with my own inventions to heal as well.

If you have a medical condition-physically/mentally/emotionally, please see a qualified medical doctor.  Do not substitute my articles for proper medical care.  You are too important to the world.

I have used all procedures I have written about and have found them to be helpful as tools to help myself become a better person.   I am sharing them with you because used as a tool, they are helpful in Shadow working on ourselves.  (Shadow working is healing our inner shadows that are unconscious or subconscious.  Inner shadows are our belief systems, our thoughts, our behaviors, our life experiences.)

I created this blog for my Reiki clients originally.  Combining these tools with Reiki creates a happy, healthy person.  These tools, when used alone are also beneficial!


***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

April 11, 2020

Plagiarism is a crime.  Share only by URL without changing the content!  Thank you.


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