How Excess Sugar May Be Making Us Sick


The Holidays are upon us which means fun, holiday-cheer, cherished moments around family and friends and rich, sweet foods.

But it also can mean feeling tired, bloated, and sick.

Eating too much rich and/or sweet foods may result in disturbing the delicate balance of your body!

Example- Sugar feeds yeast. Yeasts naturally live on your bodies skin. Eating an abundance of refined sugar not only will push your blood sugar up, but it may also create:

  • Bodily inflammation, can create cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, raise bad cholesterol, Hypertension, and more.
  • Feeds your natural yeast on your skin, thus causing an overgrowth of yeast on you. Infections can be: Thrush, Yeast infections in the genitals, yeast infections on your head skin! And many more.
  • Increases your bodies need to neutralize the sugar, which means Insulin is released. If Insulin is constantly being released into the body, you may create what is called Insulin Resistance in yourself. Insulin Resistance creates Prediabetes, extra fat, fatty liver, and cardiovascular disease.
  • Hormone imbalances! Imbalanced hormones can create: Weight changes, acne, low sex drive, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, digestive upset, and more.


Here are some ideas that may help you to maintain health during the holidays.

  • Try to maintain your bed-time every night.
  • If you make your own cookies, cakes, etc., try baking a cookie, cake etc. that is lower in refined sugar. Example- Sugar cookies vs Scottish Shortbreads. The Sugar cookies contain 1-1.5 cups of sugar. The Scottish Shortbreads contain 1/4 cup of sugar.
  • Try to bake or eat foods (cookies, cakes, Eggnog, etc.) that contain some protein or quality fat. The protein and/or fat will help to slow down the sugar absorption in your body. Thus, the Insulin release may not be great.
  • Looking for snacks? Try to stick to the whole, raw foods that are not processed, dead foods. If you venture off to eating a snack or appetizer, try to stick with foods that have protein, little quality fat, and a bit of fiber if possible.
  • Limit your intake of alcohol.
  • Limit your intake of sweets!
  • If you need to have that sweet (cookies, etc.) try eating a healthy meal first. Then eat that one cookie. The healthy meal with protein and a bit of fat will slow down the sugar from absorbing into your blood stream too quickly.
  • Exercise
  • Always try to eat quality fats in your foods. Organic Butter, unprocessed Olive oil, unprocessed Coconut oil, unprocessed Sesame oil, unprocessed Avocado oil, and more.
  • Drink water instead of soda pop, alcoholic drinks, juices, or carbonated-flavored waters. Add a squeeze of lemon, lime, or any citrus to flavor water.

There are many ideas you can adopt to keeping yourself healthy feeling throughout the holidays.

 Cheers! and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Reiki Master of Reiki in the Prairie LLC.


Disclaimer by Reiki in the Prairie LLC and Cynthia Bergsbaken copyright 2015

I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor.  These articles I have written, are from reading and experiencing them.  Many of these articles are my own experiences with my own inventions to heal as well.

If you have a medical condition-physically/mentally/emotionally, please see a qualified medical doctor.  Do not substitute my articles for proper medical care.  You are too important to the world.

I have used all procedures I have written about and have found them to be helpful as tools to help myself become a better person.   I am sharing them with you because used as a tool, they are helpful in Shadow working on ourselves.  (Shadow working is healing our inner shadows that are unconscious or subconscious.  Inner shadows are our belief systems, our thoughts, our behaviors, our life experiences.)

I created this blog for my Reiki clients originally.  Combining these tools with Reiki creates a happy, healthy person.  These tools, when used alone are also beneficial!



***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

April 11, 2020

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